Monthly Archives: October 2010

The Noob War


One day, I turned on the TV to watch Regular Show. When I was watching Regular Show, a Handiland News warning came up. It said something about a “noob invasion”. “It seems to appear that the noobs will destroy Kewl Kats for good!” Cried the news person. “Oh no! I’m a Kewl Kat so I WILL BE DESTROYED!! OH NO!” I paniced. I ran to the Hood. I saw Issy, Bella, Skittlez, Kitkat, Ashley, Nikkole and more of my friends. “Hey Perry!” They all said at the same time. “Guys, listen up! There’s gonna be a Noob Invasion! It’s happening today!” I warned. “Yeah right!” Laughed Issy. “No it’s true!” I cried. “Perry, don’t lie!” Bella said to me. Lucky for me, I recorded it in case they didn’t belive me. “I caught it on video.” I said to them. “Very funny Perry.” Said Skitz. Skitz is Skittlez by the way. I took out my camera. I got to the clip about the Handiland News Noob Invasion. “Watch this!” I commanded. “Yay! Another great video by ©Perry Productions!” Cheered Kitkat. I groaned. Everyone watched it. “Wow Perry! You really AREN’T lying!” Gasped Ashley. “Duhhh!” I replied. “Well, I don’t see any noobs yet.” Said Skitz.

Chapter 2 The Noobs

Pretty soon, a noob came. “Uh oh! That could be one of them!” I whispered to my friends. “I know right.” Said Nikkole. “ATTENTION KEWL KATS! US NOOBS ARE GONNA TAKE OVER HANDILAND AND MAKE ALL THE KEWL KATS BEGONE! SINCE ALL OF YOU KEWL KATS HAVE BEEN MEAN TO US NEWBIES! WE THINK THE NAME “NOOB” IS OFFENSIVE! SO MORE OF US NEWBIES WILL TAKE OVER YOUR WORLD!!” Announced the noob. “That really IS the first noob!” Whispered Nikkole. “He’s a LOSER!!!!” I shouted out loud! The noob growled. “Hey, noob!!!” Cried Issy. “DON’T CALL ME NOOB!!!!!!” Shouted the noob. Another noob came.


Another noob came. This one was a girl, not a boy. She walked up to us. “Hi!” She said excitedly. “NNNNOOOOOOOBBBBBBB!” I shouted. “What’s a noob?” She asked. “You!” I replied. “Yay I have a nickname!” She said. She then walked up in the Hood where everyone could hear her and see her. “HI EVERYONE I’M NOOB!” She announced. All the Kewl Kats laughed.


Then another noob came. Then another then ANOTHER. By 10 minutes, there were about 10 noobs. “We will make MORE newbies than you! We will turn Handipoints into NewbiePoints!” Bragged the first noob. I walked to an area of the hood where it WASN’T crowded. “ALL KEWL KATS LINE UP HERE!” I announced. Lots of Kewl Kats lined up. Pretty soon, there were MORE Kewl Kats! Then, Jana came in the Hood! “Join us Jana!” I shouted crazily. “No thankyou.” She said. “So many eyes…it’s distracting!” She added. More Kewl Kats came. We were nearly filling up the Hood with Kewl Kats! “Ha! We made MORE Kewl Kats than NOOBS!” I bragged. “Don’t call us NOOBS!” Cried the first noob. “Aww…does wittle baby nooby want a timeout? Coochie Coochie Coo!” I teased.


Pretty soon, the noobs came out of their lines. Then, THEY WERE ON TOP OF THE KEWL KATS! Pretty soon, ALL the noobs were gone. “VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I cheered. All the Kewl Kats cheered. Handiland is now at peace…for now.


Club Penguin is MEAN!

Hey guys! Perry here! Club Penguin is mean to my friend. My friend was a scientist online and then got BURNT in the beak with the potion he was making! That prooves Club Penguin HATES scientists! So,all you penguin scientists, you better BEWARE because Club Penguin will blow up your beak! Well, that’s all the news,gossip and latest updates for now! Check out the ©Perry Productions blog everyday for more exciting posts! Or you could see my previous posts! BYE! (Picture of burnt beak below)        

Warning! Stella Is Back!

Hey guys! Perry here! I have some bad news! If you play Handipoints and your not new, you probaly heard’ve Stella Forever. She is an evil master hacker who plans on turning Handipoints to Stellaipoints! Me and lots of my Handi friends are gonna try to keep Handipoints Handipoints (or change it to Perrypoints). I can’t get my account deleted or my password changed because I put a symbol in the parent account name. She doesn’t need a password to hack you because she has some sort of hacking software where you type in the user and a code. I hope this blog helped! I will try and put more images in my next post.



Hey guys! Perry here! Ok, today we are doing something a little different…I’m starting a rant against CP bay bees. CP bay bees are babys on Club Penguin. It’s real life people that are like 7-14 pretending they are a online baby. I used to LIKE bay bees and be one (When I was 7 years old). But not now! I am starting a rant against the bay bees! No! It WON’T save the puffles! It will get the old CP back. Lots of people hate babies. Bay bees are worthless noobs. They think they are “cute” and are a “pookie pop”. THEY AREN’T POOKIE POPS!! THEY ARE…POOKIE POOPS!!! THEY ARE SO ANNOYING!! Join my rant if you hate those little brats and want them gone. Some people say there was an “old CP”. There is an old CP. Old CP was in 2005,2006,2007 and maybe 2008. Most haters want old CP back. Because back in Old CP there were NO babies! I wasn’t on CP when old CP was alive. CP babies are starting to become annoying. They are like “Plays With Wittle Toesies!”. That’s not cute! That just wants to make me throw up! Now, if you LIKE CP babies that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be a fan of ©Perry Productions. That doesn’t mean you should stop watching the ©Perry Productions videos or stop reading the blogs. You can still watch the videos. Post a comment on the videos or the blog to tell ME how you feel about CP babies. I will make a vote. If more people hate CP babies, I’m gonna try and get rid of them. If more like CP babies, well they will stay. If you don’t know what they are create a penguin on Club Penguin and go in the Pet Shop. Let’s say you join the group. You CAN’T create a name for my group. It is MY group and I will choose the name for it. The name of MY group is CP Baby Busters. We will do ANYTHING to get rid of the CP babies! Here’s a hint! Adopt one then as SOON as you get to the igloo (I don’t care HOW cute you think it is) ABUSE IT!! BITE IT SCRATCH IT BURN IT DROWN IT AND DO WHATEVER YOU CAN TO MAKE IT RUN AWAY! Then, after abusing the baby go in the Pet Shop. The baby might be in the Pet Shop. It might get picked again. If it does, run up to the person and say “DON’T PICK (baby’s name) HE\SHE IS A DEMON! SERIOUSLEY I ADOPTED HER\HIM AND AS SOON AS HE\SHE SAW MY IGGY HE\SHE RAN AWAY! HE\SHE WILL DO THAT TO YOU!” If they don’t belive you, then oh well you tried! But, you could just dance in the Pet Shop saying “NO MORE BABIES!”. The other routine is alot of work. Or to humiliate the CP babies kind be a CP baby and as soon as you get picked be an evil baby. Be mean to your siblings. Do anything bad! Well bye! Post a comment on this blog or a video to tell me how you feel about the CP babies or if you wanna join the group. I will ONLY accept comments about CP babies,the group,the blog,the videos and some ideas. Well bye!

BTW CP baby lovers. Get a life and a brain. You stupid idiotic baby lovers like ruining CP. So why don’t ALL you dumb stupid lifeless babies go cry to your fake virtual mommy? (;

New AMVs!


Hey guys! Perry here! Ok, so lemmie guess? Your wondering why I titled today’s other post “New AMVs!”? Well, if your wondering what AMV means it means Alpha Music Video. No, it’s not the leader of music vids. It means Alpha the Doberman is singing it! Here, I’ll show you! Well, not on this blog, but on Youtube. Go on Youtube on October 3rd and type in AMV Dynamite. The reason why it’s tommorow,October 3rd is becaues the video takes a couple hours to process in the public thing. It takes a few hours not to upload though! You can veiw the video on the day you created it! But other people can’t. Actually, if you type it in the Youtube browser after a minute after you uploaded the vid it will say “(Video’s title) not found.” or something like that. So WAIT A COUPLE HOURS! Well, that’s all bye!

Alpha in real life

Hey guys! Perry here! Ok, so mainly you guys know Alpha. He says he is a dog in real life, but is that REALLY true? Yes, it is! I saw him in real life and my 14 year old brother,Sammy took this picture of him. There’s the picture! Up top! So, ALL of you that didn’t belive, BELIVE NOW…or else! This picture was taken in New Jersey, and in my backyard. It turns out my best friend, Dennis, is Alpha’s master. And do you know what’s weird? Alpha’s real name is Alpha! His screename is actually his real name! Like Perry is my username and real name. Ok, so you guys saw Alpha? Do you still not belive? Oh, how does he READ and TYPE? That’s so easy! He types with his nose\snout and his owner reads out the words and tells him what letters to put so he spells them correctly! Alpha is 9 years old. He has been typing since 2007 when he was 6. Remember, if you want your dog to type it only works on some and it may take a couple days,weeks,months or even years! Remember, it ONLY works on SOME DOGS! Not all! Don’t get upset if you try to teach your dog or cat to type and they don’t! It doesn’t work on all! Do the same with your cats maybe! Or other pets. Well,that’s all for this blog! See ya soon! Bye!